Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Short and Sweet Plus a Link

Just a quick little note to say, I'm not blogging, I'm writing/revising! Sorry if the blog is getting a bit boring, but I will try to write a good post by the weekend. Until then, I am deep in chapter 7 revisions, and I think I fixed my problem in chapter 1 *hopes*.

I have also come up with my time plan for writing:
  • Mornings are spent getting kids to school and then cleaning my house. I write better in a clean setting, and if the house is clean my hubby is more supportive of me slipping away to write. 
  • From 10am until lunch, it is all about my 3 year old. We go to the library, go play at the  mall, IKEA, plan a play date with a friend, or do some kind of preschool activity. (I can sneak in 30 minutes or so of writing at several of those places.)
  • Eat lunch.
  • Finally, from 12:30 until 2:00pm I get to write. The older 3 kids are still at school and the 3 year old is tired enough to veg in front of the TV (I know I'm a bad mom, but I can't be perfect at everything! At least it is PBS or Noggin).
  • The rest of the afternoon is spent on homework, kids chores, and dinner. Some nights I get lucky and get another hour of writing in after the kids are in bed. Or I watch American Idol. I hope it gets better, so far this season I'm not wowed by anyone. There are people I like, but not wowed yet.
So, in order to accomplish all of this I have stopped answering my phone. Yes, the phone is evil. I've always hated talking on the phone, because being a visual person, I usually don't understand half of what is being said when I can't see your face. (The kids in my Sunday School class asked me about texting when I told them the above comment. Texting is visual, and therefore wonderful! Their reply, "Cool, a texting mom." It made my day to be cool at something.) Don't be offended if you are one of my closer friends who call and I don't answer. I'll call you back, I promise! Unless I forget...

Now, before I head for the library, I want to point out Rachelle Gardner's blog post today. It is all about finding the right title for your book. My working title is Sendek, but that doesn't tell you anything about the story, genre, or anything really. For months I've wanted to change it, but I've put it on the back burner until I am finished with all the revisions. That is where it will stay, but when I am ready to start looking for a new title I will reference this post--How To Title Your Book


  1. Your day sounds a lot like mine. I don't really ever talk on the phone but I've dramatically cut back on Facebook and TV time in order to put more time into writing.

    Liz H Allen

  2. Charity, Sounds like a great plan for your day! We moms have to really maximize the little bit of time that we have! But day after day, it all adds up and eventually we have our completed books!

  3. I agree. I've done this for two days and although my 3 year old is still sitting beside me, I don't feel guilty for taking the time to write. That is priceless.

    Liz, in November I deleted all my Facebook games one at a time. It was like going off a drug, LOL! But now I don't even miss them and I do have more time for writing. Sometimes I sit by my hubby and write while he watches TV. Not the best writing time, but sometimes better than nothing.


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