Tuesday, May 4, 2010

100+ Followers Contest

Wow! I hit 100 followers before the Baking Blogfest, and you wonderful people keep stopping by and bringing friends with you. YOU ARE AWESOME! 

So, when I was searching for where I promised a dance video, I saw that I actually promised a giveaway contest. Since it is my first giveaway, but hopefully not the last, I want to start smallish so I can work my way up to awesome! :)

What will I give away to celebrate so many wonderful followers? I wanted to give away a Turvis Tumbler (they are insulated so warm drinks stay warm and cold drinks stay cold), but they didn't have any that related to writing (don't worry, I've sent them an email asking them to rectify that oversight.) 
NOTE: My hubby wanted me to make it clear that I am NOT giving a set of Turvis cups. You'll have to check them out for yourself. But, if they ever get writing/book related patches I will give one away in the future. Whenever that happens. :)

So, I'll give away books instead. Here is what one lucky person will win:

The Virginia Woolf Writer's Workshop by Danell Jones
The Art of War For Writers by Scott Bell

Both of these books have helped motivate me to keep working and not give up.
So, what do you have to do to win?

1. You must be a follower of my blog.
2. Fill out the form below.
3. Contest ends 11:59 pm EST on Saturday, May 22nd.
-If you post a link to this contest in your sidebar you get two (2) additional entries.
- If you tweet (@charitybradford) a link or facebook the contest you get two(2)additional entries.
Just leave a comment with a link to let me know about it.

All entries will be made into a spreadsheet and I will let randomizer.org decide the winners.


  1. Congratulations on reaching 100 followers. I haven't read either of those books.

  2. Congratulations! I'm getting close to 100 as well.

  3. Yay and double yay for the followers and for this contest! You rock :~)

  4. Congrats on the followers! I am jealous!

  5. Cool! I've actually been hoping to read both those books--I'm glad to know they're as good as they look. :)
    Congrats on 100+ followers!

  6. Congrats on the followers, Charity. Don't forget about tomorrow's PRIMAL SCREAM! BLogfest. I had to enter early to a late night shift. Roland

  7. This is wonderful! Happy 100!

  8. Happy 100 too! The tumblers are cute too. :)

  9. 100 followers!!! Whoop! =) Congrats Charity!

  10. Congrats on reaching 100 followers! :)
    Glad to have found your blog, I really like it.

  11. Hi! Just found your blog. Nice! I'm a new follower *high-five!* And congrats on the milestone :D

  12. Congrats on the 100+ mark! I'm not taking part (have those books already) but I've added you to my Blogfests&Contests page.

  13. Oh my goodness, you're almost at 150! Congrats and huzzah!


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