Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Doctor What?

Note: If you want to send in a 350 word snippet for critique, today is the last day. Email with Fearful Critique in the subject. The first critique is up at Unicorn Bell if you want to see how I critique.

Funny thing? I was terrified to post my critique for everyone to see! What if my opinion is totally and utterly wrong???

Well, it is only my opinion.

Now, here is something my kids walk around singing all the time.

...And most importantly, Doctor, how can I find you?

And for those who have no idea who or what Doctor Who is...

I want a TARDIS!
This one is long, but will give you a good idea of why we Whovians love Doctor Who.

Oh, and my four year old has Doctor Who undies. Well two pair have the David Tennant version of the Doctor, one has a Dalek, and one has a Cyberman. My neighbors are from England and we talk about Doctor Who all the time. The wife made me laugh with this comment when talking about the newest Doctor, "I loved David Tennant, but Matt Smith just isn't the sort of guy you wear on your undies."

Matt Smith has started his second season of the Doctor and I'm getting used to him and like him better and better. I agree David was the best looking Doctor though. His quirkiness and giant goofy grin were awesome! I cried with him when he said he didn't want to go.

Ok, I'm off to try and get some actual writing done today! Yeah, can you believe it?


  1. We are all crazy for Dr. Who around here too! I actually liked Chris Eccleston a took me a while to warm up to David Tennant. But he was really great. I didn't love the way his character became so psychologically screwed up at the end. Matt Smith seemed to really hit the ground running, but yeah, I think they're trying to have heartthrob factor with younger viewers these days. I do like the chemistry he has with his companion Karen Gillam. The show seems re-energized.

  2. I love a British accent. I could listen to a Brit read his laundry list and I think I'd sit all the way through it. I'm so pathetic.

  3. How many Doctor Who's have there been now? Ten?

  4. I haven't seen Dr. Who, and I'm really feeling out of the loop by now.

  5. I'm watching the Eccleston Who right now. Only on episode 3, though!

  6. Charlie! Oh, and Doctor Who. ^^

    Bowties are cool. XD


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