Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Another New House and My First Craft Fair

We successfully moved into our new house over the weekend. Some wonderful men and 12 year old boys came and helped. They loaded and unloaded the truck in 2 and a half hours! I'll post pictures as soon as I'm unpacked and really settled. I hope there is no more moving in my future...at all!

The weather was not so accommodating this weekend. And. And I was at my first craft fair trying to sell books in this unbecoming weather. Let me set the scene for you. Two days before the fair the temperature was around 80 degrees and beautiful. We were hoping for a great turnout and lots of sales. This is what the first day of the fair looked like.

Yes, that's my tent flapping open with the bright blue on top. I shared some space with two other great authors--Tamara Heiner Hart and Michelle Pennington. They were also selling baked goods, which kept us full and happy in spite of cold toes.

Don't we look lovely? I never took my hood off so I joked that I was scaring customers away by dressing like a thug. Truth is not many people came by and we had trouble giving away our food samples. Weird!
My little area of the tent. On day 2 I didn't bring out as many books because they were curling up in the damp air. I made a poster of reviews to set out and sold a couple of Sendek inspired necklaces. (Do you see that gift basket? I still forgot to collect info to give it away. So when I came home one of my teens claimed the blanket. One of these days I'll get another one together and give it away on this blog.)

The weather being what it was--terrible--I'm quite happy with selling 5 books. However I bought 50 to sell! Guess I'll be setting up at the Farmer's Market really soon.

How was your weekend? What are your writing goals for the rest of this week?

Mine are to sit and write for an hour every day before unpacking stuff.


  1. Have you done any readings or do you plan to? What about radio? Or local tv? Just a thought :)

    And omg, snow? Really?

    1. I don't know where to go for the readings. The signing at the bookstore was a bust and what's the point in reading if no one is there? I don't have any idea how to even get on the local radio or TV. I did donate 2 books to my town library. :)

  2. Is that snow? Whoa!
    A least you had a good time,

    1. Yep, that's snow. It quickly disappeared under the cold rain, but you're right, I did have fun.

  3. Selling 5 books isn’t that bad. I think it’s better than selling nothing. I hope I’ll be the one to win your gift basket! Anyway, I hope I have those “some men and 12 year old boys” to help me also in my move next week. Unfortunately, it will be a job for myself. Hehe! I’ll be watching out for your post on your house tour. :)

    [ Lakisha Zimmerer ]

    1. Thanks Lakisha and good luck on your move! It's so stressful but worth it in the end, right?

  4. Where is spring!?!
    Moving is terrible but soon you'll be settled and life will be good.

    1. I know! This summer will be wonderful for settling in. The best part is we are back in a neighborhood with a pool so it will be just like old times. ;)

  5. Our weather was similar--two days of 90+ then rain yesterday and today.

    5 books is still pretty good. Especially considering the weather.

    1. That's what I keep telling myself, but it would have been nice IF... See that's what always gets me in trouble. :)

  6. Congrats on being all moved in! I am going to be moving soon...and all I have to say about that is, eek!

    We are having stormy weather here and I LOVE IT. Our summer has dragged on way too bloody long.

    1. I'm sure I'll feel the same by the end of August. Good luck with your move!

  7. I've only ever moved once in my life. That was enough ;)
    Despite the weather, it looks like you had fun.

    1. I've moved so many times people always ask if we were military. In a way it really broadened my view of life.
      It was a lot of fun to sit and talk with two other authors for two days. So good to know we aren't crazy all by ourselves. ;)

  8. I'm nursing a broken ankle, which should make plenty of time for writing. But I spend more time complaining.

    Sorry about the craft faire, what a bummer. I doubt it was the hat though. It was that teenager's bad vibes wanting the blanky for herself :) My son does that to me all the time: "cool, I get all the candy now!"

    Tenny-bopper vibed; trust me!


    1. LOL, I love it! Tenny-bopper vibed will be my new excuse for everything. I hope your ankle heals quickly. It's not fun I'm sure. That same tenny-bobber broke her ankle two years ago and it still gives her issues. Of course, she doesn't do the exercises she's supposed to.

  9. Wow, I'm impressed you even went out in that weather. Does one of those authors have a baby strapped to her? That's commitment! I'm sure you'll sell those books sooner than you think. Have you approached local bookstores?


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