Alright, did I mention I gave myself a deadline? September 15th is the day. It's after Labor Day, so hopefully the world of publishing is settling back to work after taking their much needed vacation. Here's the thing, I am really stressed about the email query.
Because I'm a visual person. That may sound weird since I'm a writer, but I need to see how things are done with my own eyes to really GET IT. The library supplied me with lots of great resources on how to write a query, complete with examples of what they should look like. However, they are all older books that concentrate on the paper query. I tried to search online for a photo of an email query and lost patience before I was successful.
So, how will I know if what I'm sending looks professional? What if I do something wrong and they delete it without reading everything?
I'm probably over-thinking this in a major way, but I want to do it right. Here are the links to three sites that I'm depending on heavily. I'll recap several of the main points here, but if you are just starting out, you will want to read them all yourselves. Being a visual person, one of them looks scary simply because it is a ton of text with no breaks or photos.
What You Need to Know to Write an Effective E-mail Query--16 points, no paragraph breaks, but muddle through it anyway. Good stuff.
Preparing E-mail Queries--Easier to read as it is broken up into sections. Talks about specific problems due to using email, such as "gibberish" when cut and pasting and how to fix it.
How to Format a Query Letter--specifically emailed ones. Once again Nathan Bransford knows how to advice and calm our troubled minds at the same time. He gives guidelines by example and then tells us to simply do our best and it will be ok. Thanks, Nathan!
1. Know who you are querying. Do your homework, send it to the right person, don't mass email.
2. Use your name for your email address to tell them who it's from ( Not some quirky pet name like "". (And no, this is not one of my email addys, so don't spam this poor person thinking it's me.)
3. Subject line: Include the word "Query" in your subject line, along with a brief description of your proposal -- e.g., "Query: Science Fiction novel SENDEK" or "Query: Writing for Pet Magazines." Never leave this line blank. Avoid cuteness or excessive informality; a subject line like "May I have a moment of your time?" looks too much like "spam" and could cause your query to be deleted.
4. Most agents do not want attachments, there are some exceptions. This goes back to #1, do your homework.
5. Keep your text short and concise. Double space to separate paragraphs and give the reader a break.
6. Treat the text as you would a traditional query. For more tips on writing a successful query, click HERE.
7. Always put your name, address, and other contact info at the end of the query instead of at the beginning. The great thing about email is you can add a link to your blog or other links to published examples of your work.
8. After your contact info, cut and paste what that agent requires. Example: first five pages, first three chapters, synopsis, whatever they ask for. Nathan Bransford was the only site to mention this and here is what it looked like on his site:
Nathan Bransford (note that I didn't leave space for a signature since it's an e-mail)
My address
My phone number
My e-mail address
(optional: my website/blog)
First 5 pages of the manuscript - don't worry about how these are formatted just do the best you can
9. Proof read your email! Because it is quick and easy doesn't mean you can type and send without this step. Remember it is all about looking professional. You may want to print your email and read it aloud, just like you did (hopefully) with your manuscript.
Well, I feel a little better. There is one question I still have unanswered. Where does the cover letter go in an e-mail query? Do you just work it into the query itself as a paragraph telling why you chose that agent to query? Would you put that first and then go into the query or put it at the end of the query where you put your references?
See, I still have lots of questions. Do you know the answer to any of these? Know of any blogs or sites that cover this topic? Please share.

Excellent tips. And I'm a visual person as well, so I understand your need for an image!
ReplyDeleteGOOD LUCK!!! And dude...5K? AWESOME!
ReplyDeleteThis is brilliant advice. I'm bookmarking this for later when I really really need it.
Also, I CALL "". If that's not already taken I am SO REGISTERING for it.
Looks all right and tight to me! The tough part is the short, concise and catchy summation of the book. Ugh.
ReplyDeleteGood luck!
Hi Charity! I caught your tweet, read your post, and thought I'd share what I know. Your cover letter can be worked into your query. Please see I've written a few blog posts about my own query process. You can find them all under Categories-> Agents & Querying. I hope you find something that's useful. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteGreat advice!!! I'm not querying for another few months, but then I'll be right there with you. Good luck!!!! =D
ReplyDeleteGreat advice! I'm bookmarking this for future use!
ReplyDeleteThe query letter is the cover letter. You don't use both in an e-query. If you need some help with your query letter, let me know. In case you're too nervous to post it again on Bransforums. Just email it to me, and I'll run a quick edit over it if you like. My name
ReplyDeleteGreat post, great tips. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteGreat post, Charity! I'm stressed about the email query too. God knows it's freaky to know what to do in a query letter but to know what to do in an email query is a whole other thing!
Sorry to take so long to reply to the comments. I've been working on the query and synopsis. Deadlines are good for me. :D
ReplyDeleteChristine, it was just a bunch of friends, no clocks or prizes, but lots of fun. It's sort of my kick off to running again now that the weather is cooling off.
Mia, from now on I will call you zombiemuffins. How's that?
Amalia, that's kickin' my butt right now. *grimace* *big smiles* I feel like a writer!
Alex, Holly, Tara and lksienkiewicz, thanks for stopping in!
Carolyn good luck when you start. I hope we both find success. Same for you Jai. I did check out lksienkiewicz link above and it is helpful, so check it out.
Oh, and Christi check your email. :)