If you would like to guest post in November, email me at charity.bradford@gmail.com.
Charity Bradford in the HOT SEAT
As a Mum of four, Charity Bradford is hard to rattle. But, is it just my imagination, or are her hands shaking? And if I’m not mistaken, she also looks like she’s gone slightly pale. Yes, Charity may be tough, but is she tough enough for the HOT SEAT?Let’s find out!
Charity is a writer, a mother, a wife, a daughter, a friend, a runner, an avid reader, and a Power of Tension Blogfest entrant! She joins us today from North Carolina, USA.
So, Charity, let’s get started. What genre(s) do you write?
Science fiction, fantasy and then whatever strikes my fancy. All have a strong romance element, but it isn’t the main focus.
Tell us about Sendek,your Work in Progress, in 25 words or less.
Talia is trapped between science and magic. The handsome Commander Landry will help her embrace the magic and fight the Draguman.
[CJ: You already know this, but I can't wait to read Sendek!]
Most of us write part time. How do you spend your time when you’re not writing?
I’m a full time mom to four great kids. I also teach a 6am scripture class to teens five days a week, compile and edit a 12 page newsletter for my neighborhood each month, blog (it’s like a job!), run ½ marathons, bake cakes, and this year I am cooking for 150 people for a full week of girls camp. There is so much planning!
[CJ: Wow, that's impressive. Do you ever get time to sleep?] Not really.
Tell us a little about your writing process.
I’m a mix between a pantser and a plotter. I begin with whatever crazy idea pops into my head—free writing until it runs its course. Then I put it away for a while. If the idea haunts me I’ll pull it back out and start to plot. This is always the fun part, but I’m learning to enjoy the revision process too. I love getting feedback from critiquers that sparks a new thought for my novel. Some of my best ideas have come from questions a reader has asked.
Who or what are your biggest writing inspirations?
My answer would have been different two years ago, but now the who would be my fellow bloggers. I love reading about their journey and struggles because it lets me know I’m not that weird and I’m not alone. I love reading about their successes because it gives me hope that one day it may just be my turn. The what would have to be life around me. There are so many things that happen every day that spark my imagination and make me ask “What if?”
[CJ: You're definitely not alone. I couldn't agree more about the awesomeness of fellow bloggers!]
What have been the biggest challenges you’ve faced as a writer?
Finding the balance between my writing life and my life as mom and wife. It’s hard to turn off the writing mind and really pay attention to your kids when the muse is screaming in your ear. At the same time, when life is busy, it’s hard to carve out that writing block. Just like eating healthy and exercise, I seem to be good at only one of them at a time. If only I could do both equally well at the same time…
[CJ: I hear ya!]
And now for the HOT SEAT questions!
*Insert scary music here*
If you could only read the work of three authors for the rest of your life, which authors would you choose? This is so hard! I’m going to choose Orson Scott Card, Jane Austen, and OMGosh how do I pick the last one!!! Umm, ok, Louise Lawrence because as a teen she really inspired me with her stories. I’m already having buyer’s remorse. LOL. I’m so glad this will never be a reality.
A well-reputed publisher offers you a major contract but requires you change something about your plot that completely goes against what you want for the book. What do you do?
Another hard question. [CJ: Yep, that's the idea

If your current WiP was going to be made into a movie, who would play your lead character(s) and why?
Ooo! This one is easy because I did it for a blogfest. To see a video of a teaser, go HERE and leave me a comment.
[CJ: Grrr, HOT SEAT interviews aren't supposed to be easy!

Talia – Emily Deschanel
Landry – Karl Urban
Stefan – Eric Bana
Jaron– Jude Law
I couldn't make a change in my manuscript that went against my morals though. And the list of things you do wore me out just reading it!
ReplyDeleteThe hot seat is only hot because you light it on fire with your writing.
ReplyDeleteAww. You called me wonderful. :-D
ReplyDeleteThanks for re-posting!