Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Queries are up for Critiquing

Not here of course, but over at Unicorn Bell.

There are 24 queries and many of them are for books I would read right now. I'll be pretty busy trying to make comments on all of them this week. Feel free to come over and check them out. The goal is to make them sparkle in time for the "Final Exam" next week when our fabulous judges come to look them over.

Personal Notes:
  • 1 week until the kids are in school and I can get edits on The Magic Wakes finished.
  • I've created an author website. You can check it out HERE. Feedback is greatly appreciated.
  • I "unfriended" everyone but family on Facebook. It was really hard, but I need to step back and simplify my online life for a while. You can still interact with me on my Facebook Author Page.
  • I got sunburned at the beach over the weekend.
  • My garage looks like the house threw up in it. Lots of work to do in there...eventually. Hey, I live in the South, I don't need to park in there for a while yet.
  • I'm thinking about getting some business cards made. What do you think?


  1. mine go back tomorrow!

    i will try to comment too, so many!! great educational queryfest!

  2. I love the sparkly stars behind both of your websites. I can't wait to see the cover of your book.


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